Rhythmbox tray icon plugin

A tray icon to control basic Rhythmbox features. Requires Rhythmbox 2.9+

You can rate the track, play/pause, go previous, go next, or quit.

Tray Icon

Scroll up and down over the tray icon to adjust Rhythmbox's volume.

Click on the tray icon to show or hide the Rhythmbox window.

The tray icon has a green 'play' overlay when a track is playing.

When you hover over the icon, it shows the playing track:

Hover Icon

How to install

To install, run these commands in a terminal window:

wget https://github.com/mendhak/rhythmbox-tray-icon/raw/master/rhythmbox-tray-icon.zip
unzip -u rhythmbox-tray-icon.zip -d ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins

To do it manually, download rhythmbox-tray-icon.zip and extract its contents into ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins.

Start Rhythmbox. Go to Edit > Plugins.

Find 'Tray Icon' in the plugins list and enable it. A Rhythmbox icon appears in the notification area.

Edit Plugins in Rhythmbox

How to uninstall

To uninstall, run this command in a terminal window:

rm ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/tray_*.*

It will remove the tray_* files from the plugins folder.


If the icon does not appear on Ubuntu, whitelist the systray and restart Rhythmbox:

gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"

Heavily modified from palfrey's original plugin.