Mendhak / Code

Issuing multiple requests with curl

curl is normally used to issue a single request against a URL. Sometimes you need to issue multiple requests against a URL, or quickly stress test a server or endpoint.…

Short guide to good commit messages

MS Teams Operator for Apache Airflow

This Apache Airflow operator can send messages to specific MS Teams Channels. It can be especially useful if you use MS Teams for your chatops. There are various options to…

How to use KeeAgent with WSL and Ubuntu

How to serve SSH keys to ssh running in WSL (Ubuntu) from KeeAgent running in Windows 10.

Using KeePass to serve SSH keys

While KeePass is generally used for storing credentials, it can also be used to store SSH keys as well as serve those SSH keys when applications need it.

Updating another user’s pull request to your Github repository

When someone submits a pull request to your repository, it is actually possible to update their pull request by pushing commits to their fork.

AngularJS - Perceived Performance

Understanding and measuring Angular JS perceived performance