Eleventy Satisfactory

Set up the metadata.json

The metadata.json file contains various configuration items that are needed to set up the blog. It controls things like title, URLs, tags, feeds, and some links. The metadata.json file is located under _data/metadata.json

Starting with the important ones.


The site title that appears in the header. eg, “Joe’s Blog”

Current value: Eleventy Satisfactory


Very important. The path where the blog will sit under its domain.


Current value: /eleventy-satisfactory/


The Base URL where this site will be published. It gets used to construct the full URL to content, in the sitemap.xml, feed.xml, feed.json, and the OpenGraph and JSON-LD headers in the HTML <head>.


Current value: https://code.mendhak.com/eleventy-satisfactory/

This value gets used to construct and correct various URLs throughout all content, such as images, links, stylesheets, etc.

Optional, but useful


How many post links should be shown per page.

Current value: 4


Sets the site description in the HTML head’s meta and OpenGraph/JSON-LD descriptions, as well as the JSON and Atom feed. If a blog post doesn’t contain a description: frontmatter, this value gets used as a default in the HTML head.

Current value: Blog theme for Eleventy with various new features


Sets the site’s tags in the HTML head’s meta keywords and OpenGraph/JSON-LD tags. If a blog post doesn’t contain a tags: frontmatter, these values get used as a default in the HTML head.

Current value: ["eleventy","blog","theme","template","starter"]


Sets the HTML lang of the web page. It helps search engines and browsers.

Current value: en


Path to the favicon. Add your own image to the /assets/images/ folder and update the location.

Current value: /assets/images/favicon.png


The path where the Atom feed should be written to.

Current value: /feed.xml


The path where the JSON feed should be written to.

Current value: /feed.json


name: The author pseudonym or name that should appear in the HTML meta as well as the site’s footer.
email: The author email that should appear in the Atom feed.
url: The URL that should appear in the Atom feed.

Current value: {"name":"mendhak","email":"","url":"https://github.com/mendhak/eleventy-satisfactory"}


Some opengraph settings.

image: The image to use when an OpenGraph preview is being made for a URL on this site. If a blog post doesn’t have a opengraph.image frontmatter, then this default image gets used instead. This value is also used in the JSON-LD data. type: The OpenGraph content type of this content. It’s a blog so, it’s an article.

Current value: {"image":"/assets/images/article.png","type":"article"}