Eleventy Satisfactory

Post with some code blocks

A post with some code samples. These are using the Prism CSS library.

Basic code blocks using indents

Any text that is indented by 4 spaces will be treated as a preformatted block.


Basic code blocks using backticks

Another way to do the same thing is surround the code with 3 backticks.




Code blocks with syntax highlighting

To get colorful syntax highlighting, follow the 3 backtickes with a language name.

For example ```javascript, then add the code, and close the block with ```

Here is some Javascript

//If there's a JWT header, parse it and decode and put it in the response
if (process.env.JWT_HEADER) {
  let token = req.headers[process.env.JWT_HEADER.toLowerCase()];
  if (!token) {
    echo.jwt = token;
  } else {
    token = token.split(" ").pop();
    const decoded = jwt.decode(token, {complete: true});
    echo.jwt = decoded;

Similarly for C#, use ```csharp

static async Task<string> FindBucketLocationAsync(IAmazonS3 client)
    string bucketLocation;
    var request = new GetBucketLocationRequest()
        BucketName = bucketName
    GetBucketLocationResponse response = await client.GetBucketLocationAsync(request);
    bucketLocation = response.Location.ToString();
    return bucketLocation;

Have some ```bash

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail

function message {
    echo ""
    echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
    echo $1
    echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"

if ! [ -x "$(command -v jq)" ]; then
    message "JQ not installed. Installing..."
    sudo apt -y install jq