Mendhak / Code

Why the F**k won’t you build?

To the tune of Go the Fuck to Sleep

Getting a Github Action to run randomly

If you have a Github Action set on a cron schedule, but don’t necessarily want it to always run on that schedule - for example a daily cron that doesn’t…

Mentally calculate the day of the week, given a date in the current year

The Doomsday algorithm is a memory trick that lets you figure out the day of the week that a given date falls on. I’ll go over the simplest variation of…

Standard paper sizes are an elegant example of simple maths

The well known A, B, C series paper sizes may seem arbitrary at first glance, but they are actually based on some simple basic principles which make it easy to…

A hello world example using a Docker image in AWS Lambda

AWS recently announced the ability to use Docker images in your Lambda functions. Here I’ll go over a basic set of steps to get a simple example working.

OpenStreetMap tip: tall buildings

When mapping tall buildings, it’s important to ensure that the drawn area matches the building’s footprint - where it intersects with the earth.

Setting up an Auth0 secured Angular application with dynamic runtime loaded configuration

How to set up an Angular application. Secured with Auth0 logins and protected API requests. With the configuration loaded dynamically via a web request.