Raspberry Pi: Simple Waveshare e-paper dashboard with weather and calendar
I have created a simple, DIY e-paper dashboard setup that displays the weather and calendar information. It’s minimal, and doesn’t require a lot of power, so it can run on…
Why the F**k won’t you build?
To the tune of Go the Fuck to Sleep
Getting a Github Action to run randomly
If you have a Github Action set on a cron schedule, but don’t necessarily want it to always run on that schedule - for example a daily cron that doesn’t…
Mentally calculate the day of the week, given a date in the current year
The Doomsday algorithm is a memory trick that lets you figure out the day of the week that a given date falls on. I’ll go over the simplest variation of…
Standard paper sizes are an elegant example of simple maths
The well known A, B, C series paper sizes may seem arbitrary at first glance, but they are actually based on some simple basic principles which make it easy to…
A hello world example using a Docker image in AWS Lambda
AWS recently announced the ability to use Docker images in your Lambda functions. Here I’ll go over a basic set of steps to get a simple example working.
OpenStreetMap tip: tall buildings
When mapping tall buildings, it’s important to ensure that the drawn area matches the building’s footprint - where it intersects with the earth.