Mendhak / Code

Running a Selenium Grid cheaply with Fargate Spot containers in AWS ECS

Here I will go over a Terraform script to help with running a cheap Selenium Grid, in an AWS ECS cluster, with the containers managed by Fargate Spot instances. To…

Securely wipe an SSD with its built in commands

Modern SSDs now come with built in commands that can wipe a disk for you. This is an action that should normally be performed when you’re about to give/sell it…

Custom TLS certificate validation for Android applications

How to properly validate TLS certificates from Android applications - without bypassing or compromising validation.

Getting NextDNS and NordVPN to work together on Android

Documenting the steps I took to get NextDNS, NordVPN and restricted WiFi networks to work together.

Using Gradle to PGP sign and checksum files

When creating software for distribution to end users, it’s a good idea to enable checking its integrity and trustworthiness.

My OpenStreetMap workflow: mapping the village of Marmari, Evia

Although I’m not a prolific or advanced editor, I do enjoy contributing to OpenStreetMap. I’ll generally perform edits when I notice new changes in my area or while on holiday…

Don’t install npm packages globally

Many node packages and tools will encourage you to install their tools globally. This is a bad practice and should be avoided.